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Showing posts from May 11, 2008

Swapping Caps Lock and Control

1.  Swapping Caps Lock and Control key remapper left control -> caps lock caps lock -> left control 2개 설정해야 된다. 그러나, 현재 유료버전으로 변경된 것 같다. 2. 또는, register를 직접 수정한다. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout의 값을 아래로 수정하고   "00000000 00000000 03000000 3A001D00 1D003A00 00000000" 그 다음, rebooting 하면 완료. 3. 또는 keyTweak를 사용하면 된다.

flex chart image

freeBSD ports portsnap fetch portsnap extract portsnap update upgrading ports using portupgrade cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade make install clean # portupgrade -ai When you run portupgrade -a, portupgrade will begin to upgrade all the outdated ports installed on your system. Use the -i flag if you want to be asked for confirmation of every individual upgrade # portupgrade -R firefox If you want to upgrade only a certain application, not all available ports, use portupgrade pkgname . Include the -R flag if portupgrade should first upgrade all the ports required by the given application. # portupgrade -PP gnome2 To use packages instead of ports for installation, provide -P flag. With this option portupgrade searches the local directories listed in PKG_PATH , or fetches packages from remote site if it is not found locally. If packages can not be found locally or fetched remotely, portupgrade will use ports. To avoid using ports, specify -PP . /usr/local/sbin/pkgdb upgrading p...
mxmlファイル設定 mxml.vim and actionscript.vim from 2. edit vim configure file autocmd BufRead *.mxml set filetype=mxml syntax=mxml au! FileType xml,sgml,entity,xslt,svg,xhtml,xsl,xsd \ if !exists("b:match_words") | \ let b:match_ignorecase=0 | let b:match_words = \ ' ,' . \ ' ,'. \ ' ,'. \ ' /]\+\)\%(\s\+[^>]*\%([^/]>\|$\)\|>\|$\): ,'. \ ' /]\+\)\%(\s\+[^/>]*\|$\):/>' \ | endif
set tags=./tags,../tags,../../tags,../../../tags,tags function! Komment() if getline(".") =~ '\/\*' let hls=@/ s/^\/\*// s/*\/$// let @/=hls else let hls=@/ s/^/\/*/ s/$/*\// let @/=hls endif endfunction function! C_comment() let hls=@/ s/^/\/\// let @/=hls endfunction function! C2_comment() let hls=@/ s/^/"/ let @/=hls endfunction function! C3_comment() let hls=@/ s/^/#/ let @/=hls endfunction function! UNcomment() let hls=@/ if getline(".") =~ '\/\/' s/^\/\/// "for c elseif getline(".") =~ '\"' s/^"// elseif getline(".") =~ '#' s/^#// elseif getline(".") =~ '#$' s/^#$/$/ endif let @/=hls endfunction map ,/ :call C_comment() map ,\ :call Komment() map ," :call C2_comment() map ,# :call C3_comment() map ,c :call UNcomment() colorscheme torte set nu set hlsearch set nocompatible set backspace=2 set autoindent se...
Howto install libxml2 cd /usr/ports/textproc/libxml2 make install ln -s /usr/local/include/libxml2/libxml /usr/local/include/libxml Howto install conky require libsvg-cairo cd /usr/ports/graphics/libsvg-cairo/; make install clean; sh ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --infodir=/usr/share/info \ --datadir=/usr/share \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --localstatedir=/var/lib \ --enable-double-buffer \ --enable-own-window \ --enable-proc-uptime \ --enable-mpd \ --enable-xft \ --enable-seti