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Showing posts from 2008 Ubuntu Forums > The Ubuntu Forum Community > Forum Archive > Main Support Categories > Multimedia & Video > Gateway Laptop Intel 8280 chipset no sound PDA View Full Version : Gateway Laptop Intel 8280 chipset no sound racin January 7th, 2006, 05:37 PM Hi Guys, Well the wireless is fixed so now on to the sound issue. I have followed the sound problem wiki and I still don't have any sound. Both playback and recording have been set to alsa. PC speaker is activated and sound is turned all the way up. What should I check next? This is on a gateway laptop with on board sound, pentium 4 with the intel 8280 chipset. Thanks for any help in advance! stratotak January 7th, 2006, 06:23 PM im assuming that the fact you read wiki sound have correct modules for sound loading..tha you have choosen alsa as sound preferences under prefernce??when you click to test dose it work??if all that seems to check...

vim ctag cscope

vim + cscope + exuberant-ctags first : checking vim configure confirm: vim --enable-cscope find | grep "\.c$\|\.h$" > cscope.files cscope -b ctag -L cscope.files ;ctag is exuberant-ctags Ctrl-\ c : find the callers of a routine. Ctrl-\ s : find the uses of a symbol Ctrl-[ Ctrl-[ s : vertical split find the uses of a symbol To update a cscope database without closing vim ":!cscope -b", then ":cs reset" more information

Swapping Caps Lock and Control

1.  Swapping Caps Lock and Control key remapper left control -> caps lock caps lock -> left control 2개 설정해야 된다. 그러나, 현재 유료버전으로 변경된 것 같다. 2. 또는, register를 직접 수정한다. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout의 값을 아래로 수정하고   "00000000 00000000 03000000 3A001D00 1D003A00 00000000" 그 다음, rebooting 하면 완료. 3. 또는 keyTweak를 사용하면 된다.

flex chart image

freeBSD ports portsnap fetch portsnap extract portsnap update upgrading ports using portupgrade cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portupgrade make install clean # portupgrade -ai When you run portupgrade -a, portupgrade will begin to upgrade all the outdated ports installed on your system. Use the -i flag if you want to be asked for confirmation of every individual upgrade # portupgrade -R firefox If you want to upgrade only a certain application, not all available ports, use portupgrade pkgname . Include the -R flag if portupgrade should first upgrade all the ports required by the given application. # portupgrade -PP gnome2 To use packages instead of ports for installation, provide -P flag. With this option portupgrade searches the local directories listed in PKG_PATH , or fetches packages from remote site if it is not found locally. If packages can not be found locally or fetched remotely, portupgrade will use ports. To avoid using ports, specify -PP . /usr/local/sbin/pkgdb upgrading p...
mxmlファイル設定 mxml.vim and actionscript.vim from 2. edit vim configure file autocmd BufRead *.mxml set filetype=mxml syntax=mxml au! FileType xml,sgml,entity,xslt,svg,xhtml,xsl,xsd \ if !exists("b:match_words") | \ let b:match_ignorecase=0 | let b:match_words = \ ' ,' . \ ' ,'. \ ' ,'. \ ' /]\+\)\%(\s\+[^>]*\%([^/]>\|$\)\|>\|$\): ,'. \ ' /]\+\)\%(\s\+[^/>]*\|$\):/>' \ | endif
set tags=./tags,../tags,../../tags,../../../tags,tags function! Komment() if getline(".") =~ '\/\*' let hls=@/ s/^\/\*// s/*\/$// let @/=hls else let hls=@/ s/^/\/*/ s/$/*\// let @/=hls endif endfunction function! C_comment() let hls=@/ s/^/\/\// let @/=hls endfunction function! C2_comment() let hls=@/ s/^/"/ let @/=hls endfunction function! C3_comment() let hls=@/ s/^/#/ let @/=hls endfunction function! UNcomment() let hls=@/ if getline(".") =~ '\/\/' s/^\/\/// "for c elseif getline(".") =~ '\"' s/^"// elseif getline(".") =~ '#' s/^#// elseif getline(".") =~ '#$' s/^#$/$/ endif let @/=hls endfunction map ,/ :call C_comment() map ,\ :call Komment() map ," :call C2_comment() map ,# :call C3_comment() map ,c :call UNcomment() colorscheme torte set nu set hlsearch set nocompatible set backspace=2 set autoindent se...
Howto install libxml2 cd /usr/ports/textproc/libxml2 make install ln -s /usr/local/include/libxml2/libxml /usr/local/include/libxml Howto install conky require libsvg-cairo cd /usr/ports/graphics/libsvg-cairo/; make install clean; sh ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --infodir=/usr/share/info \ --datadir=/usr/share \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --localstatedir=/var/lib \ --enable-double-buffer \ --enable-own-window \ --enable-proc-uptime \ --enable-mpd \ --enable-xft \ --enable-seti