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vim tips

  • how to execute a shell command
    r !command
  • 문자코드 지정 읽기
    vim "+e ++enc=cp932" filename
  • buffer사용

    • open a file as buffer
      :badd f1.txt
    • show list of all the existing buffers
    • go to next buffer
    • back to previous buffer
    • delete buffer
      :bdelete f1.txt
      :bdelete 4
  • Folding

    • creating fold or delete

      • zr : create folding
      • zd : delete of folding symbol nearby curosr, e.g., {{{ }}}
      • zE : delete of folding symbol all in a current file
    • open & close folding

      • zo : Open one fold under the cursor
      • zO : Open all folds under the curosr recursively
      • zc : Close one fold under the cursor
      • zC : close all folds under the cursor recursively
      • zR : open all folds
    • Moving over folds
    • [z : move to the start of the cureent open fold
    • ]z : move to the end of the current open fold
    • zj : move downwards to the start of the next fold
    • zk : move upwards to the end of the previous fold
  • Bookmark

    • m{a-zA-Z} : set mark {a-zA-Z} at cursor position
    • ` or `{a-zA-Z} : Jump to the mark
    • :marks : show list all the current marks
  • Move

    • move cursor

      • H : move to top of window
      • M : move to middle of window
      • L : move to bottom of window
    • scrolling relative to cursor

      • z : Redraw, line at top of window
      • zt : similar to z
      • z. : Redraw, line at center of window
      • z- : Refraw, line at bottom of window
    • move

      • [n]H : move, [n] line from top of window
      • [n]L : move, [n] line from bottom of window
      • [n]G : move, [n] line of current file
  • Abbreviate

    :abbreviate ad advertisement
    Howto use: ad
    :ab abb abbreviate // :ab kr Korea
    :ab // print out list of abb
    :unab abb // unable abb
  • 문서중의 전 탭을 스페이스로 변환
  • :set expandtab
  • :%retab

cd /usr/ports/devel/cscope/
make & make install


At first we shoudl check the vim configure as following:
vim --version | grep cscope
If it is existed, we can install vim without others.
But if not so, we should install cscope and reconfigure vim makefile.

making cscope

find | grep "\.c$\|\.h$" > cscope.files


# for current directory.

ls | grep "\.c$|\.h$" > cscope.files

cscope -b 
ctag -L cscope.files
;ctag is exuberant-ctags
ctag -n --fields=+ai -L cscop.files

ctags --c-kinds=+p -R /usr/include  or makeing ctags file in /usr/include

# for php
ctags --php-kinds=+cidfv -R . ../php/PEAR
# --{lag}-kindsは、ctags --list-kindsで詳細がわかる

  1. Ctrl-\ c : find the callers of a routine.
  2. Ctrl-\ s : find the uses of a symbol
  3. Ctrl-[ Ctrl-[ s : vertical split find the uses of a symbol
  4. To update a cscope database without closing vim :!cscope -b, then :cs reset


vim + gdb
What I also needed was the libncurses5 and libncurses5-dev packages.
4.1 Default mappings:

List of default key mappings:
CTRL-Z  send an interrupt to GDB and the program it is running
       B       info breakpoints
       L       info locals
       A       info args
       S       step
       I       stepi
       CTRL-N  next: next source line, skipping all function calls
       X       nexti
       F       finish
       R       run
       Q       quit
       C       continue
       W       where
       CTRL-U  up: go up one frame
       CTRL-D  down: go down one frame
cursor position: 
CTRL-B  set a breakpoint on the line where the cursor is located
       CTRL-E  clear all breakpoints on the line where the cursor is located
mouse pointer position: 
CTRL-P  print the value of the variable defined by the mouse pointer
       CTRL-X  print the value that is referenced by the address whose
               value is that of the variable defined by the mouse pointer
       CTRL-K  set a breakpoint at assembly address shown by mouse position
       CTRL-H  clear a breakpoint at assembly address shown by mouse position
       CTRL-J  add the selected variable at mouse position to the watched
               variables window
Note: You can tune Vim behavior when using netBeans keys with the mouse
pointer position, by setting Vim balloondelay to a smaller value than its
default. The following setting has been reported to give better results:
:set balloondelay=100 ~
Note: After browsing your code, you can always return rapidly to the line of
code where GDB is currently stopped, by using CTRL-U and CTRL-D.

  • 윈도우 이동
    • ctl + Wt 제일 위 윈도우에 이동
    • ctl + Wb 제일 밑 윈도우에 이동
    • ctl + Wp 현 윈도우에 이동하기 전의 윈도우에 이동
    • ctl + Wr 전 윈도우를 아래방향으로 회전
    • ctl + WR 전 윈도우를 윗방향으로 회전
    • ctl + Wx 현 윈도우를 다음 윈도우로 교체

    • :split 파일명 창을 분활해서 파일을 염
    • :sview 파일명 창을 분활해서 파일을 염 - readonly

    • [수]ctl - W+ 윈도우를 수만큰 크게
    • [수]ctl - W- 윈도우를 수만큼 작게
    • Ctl - W= 전 윈도우를 같은 크기로


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